Angel Yoga 4 Kids Adults & Families (AYK) has been teaching yoga to children, their parents and adults for 14 years. We have taught in primary and secondary schools, kindies and daycare centres, children with special needs and our regular studio classes, holiday and adult workshops. Our Teacher Training Program has been facilitated through out Australia for over 9 years. Our program has been extensively tested and proven to be successful with thousand’s of children experiencing the MANY benefits of yoga during their formative years. Hence, receiving the gift of yoga for LIFE! Once a child makes the YOGA CONNECTION they are empowered with skills to manage their lives during the fluctuating changes and busy, demanding times of their childhood and adolescence.

Kids Yoga Classes
AYK Yoga classes teach children through asanas, yoga stories, yoga songs, yoga game’s, yoga art, yoga dance, visualisation, pranayama, relaxation & meditation techniques.
Our classes incorporating simple yoga philosophies giving children a holistic view on life. Yoga benefit’s all types of children of all ages with wide interests including sporty kids, non sporty kids, shy kids, special needs and more. Yoga can also help counter the stress experienced by young people living in this fast paced, demanding world. Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that’s noncompetitive. Fostering cooperation and compassion—instead of opposition—is a great gift to give our children.
There is something in yoga for every child. Please enquire about our classes in your child’s kindy, daycare centre or school. Cost: $15 per class
Family Yoga
Yoga for families is becoming increasingly popular. This ancient practice has found its way into the lives of many people as and individual practice and also as a group activity. One of them is family Yoga. Family yoga is a playful way to practice, connect and bond a family, encouraging physical fitness, improved breathing and techniques to calm, improving communication between the family, learning sustainable philosophies to support, help and nurture each other through life. You will learn to do group and partner asanas, simple routines for morning and evening, learn to use the breath to induce harmony, calm and clarity, play yoga games and generally have fun. It is a great activity that all the family will feel an increased sense of wellbeing and can practice at home together. Everyone will experience the benefits on many levels.

For further information, contact Dani Reidy on 0412 564 757
Angel Yoga 4 Kids are proud supporters of The Big Freeze Festival. Check out the timetable for session times.