

Winter Warming Family Activities

It’s cold outside, maybe it’s raining and the kids are complaining that they’re bored. There are loads of fun family activities you can do together at home during winter to warm your both body and your heart. Here’s a list of some of my favourite winter warming family activities: Baking: Kids love to bake [...]

By |May 29th, 2016|Featured, play it|2 Comments

Our festival mascots need a name!

We need your help! Our festival mascots don't have any names . . . can you help us name them? Give us your best suggestions and we'll then choose our favourite five entries. Each of the five finalists will win a double pass to The Big Freeze Festival in July. [...]

By |April 14th, 2016|Featured, win me|45 Comments

Colour Me In To Win

Would you like to win tickets to The Big Freeze? Looking for something to do over the school holidays? Then why not enter our summer colouring competition? Follow these simple instructions to win: print out the colouring pages of our festival mascots (click on pictures below). colour them in. have someone take a photo of yourself with your [...]

By |January 2nd, 2016|Featured, win me|0 Comments

Toilet Roll Cars

A favourite of my little boy, turning toilet rolls into racing cars is a perfect activity to either create an instant new toy or fill in a couple of rainy days of boredom. Either use some textas, paper and glue to create a quick car, or if you have more time try a longer project. [...]

By |August 7th, 2015|Featured, make it|0 Comments

Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

Next time your kids sing to you ‘Do you want to build a snowman?’ – answer YES! This is a quick and easy Frozen inspired activity that requires minimal materials to be purchased. Have the kids use their imagination and recycle items from around your home as well. All aged kids can join the fun, [...]

By |July 23rd, 2015|Featured, make it|0 Comments