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Baldachin - Wikipedia
    A baldachin, or baldaquin (from Italian: baldacchino), is a canopy of state typically placed over an altar or throne. It had its beginnings as a cloth canopy, but in other cases it is a sturdy, permanent architectural feature, particularly over high altars in cathedrals, where such a structure is more correctly called a … See more

Baldachin | architecture | Britannica
    baldachin, also spelled baldachino, or baldaquin, also called ciborium, in architecture, the …

Baldaquins - definition of baldaquins by The Free Dictionary
    bal·da·chin. 1. A rich fabric of silk and gold brocade. 2. a. A canopy of fabric carried in church processions or placed over an altar, throne, or dais. b. A structure having the form …

baldaquín - sinónimos y antónimos -
    baldaquín. baldaquino, dosel, palio, cubierta, marquesina, pabellón, ciborio. 'baldaquín' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: baldaquino - ciborio - marquesina. …

Significado y Definición de Baldaquin | Diccionario de …
    Baldaquin en Francés. Es un templo de cuatro pilares que soporta una cúpula o marquesina plana, que se utiliza para albergar el altar cuando se encuentra en un lugar …

Baldacchino of St. Peter | About, History, Construction,
    The Baldacchino of St.Peter's basilica was the brainchild of Pope Urban VIII. He took no time to hire his favorite and Italy's finest Baroque-style artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini for the …

Baldaquin - definition of Baldaquin by The Free Dictionary
    Baldaquin synonyms, Baldaquin pronunciation, Baldaquin translation, English dictionary definition of Baldaquin. also bal·da·chi·no n. pl. bal·da·chins also bal·da·chi·nos 1. A rich …

Baldaquin — Wikipédia
    Le baldaquin a d'abord désigné la soie de Bagdad (Baldac ou Baudac au Moyen Âge [1]).. Puis il a désigné une tenture de lit ou la structure permettant d'accrocher cette tenture …

baldaquin - Définitions, synonymes, conjugaison, …
    Le baldaquin, sécurisé par des étais, est masqué par une toile.Ouest-France, Clémence HOLLEVILLE, 28/01/2019. À cette époque, les lits consistaient en un baldaquin d'où …

BALDAQUIN - 3 - 9 Lettres - Mots Croisés & Mots Fléchés et …
    Les solutions pour la définition BALDAQUIN pour des mots croisés ou mots fléchés, ainsi que des synonymes existants.

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