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Perfection Learning 1000 North Second Avenue Logan, IA, 51546-0500 P: (800) 831-4190 (800) 831-4190 F: (800) 543-2745; Email Customer Experience; Contact Your Sales …
Achieve AP ® success with AMSCO ® coursebooks. Make college-level content accessible to all students without sacrificing the rigor required for success. Organized by the …
For over 50 years, Perfection Learning® has provided novels and classroom libraries to K–12 schools and libraries across the country. Our goal is to provide schools with a wide …
Online Catalogs | Perfection Learning Home Online Catalogs Online Catalogs View our newest print catalogs online. National Connections Literature, Writing, Language, & Word …
Achieve AP ® success with AMSCO ® coursebooks. Make college-level content accessible to all students without sacrificing the rigor required for success. Engage your …
Perfect for both beginning and advanced theatre and technical theatre courses. Each chapter uses step-by-step projects to build students’ confidence and competence in …
Welcome to Perfection Learning’s Next Step blog! For over 90 years, we’ve been helping educators like you break down barriers to learning; create dynamic, inclusive classrooms; …
Email: Toll-Free Phone: (800) 831–4190 (Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST) Outside the U.S. and Canada (712) 644–2831 Toll …
Find upcoming in-person and virtual events with Perfection Learning. February 2023 February 3–5: Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (TCTELA) Denton, …
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