Meerkerk Gardens

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Meerkerk Gardens
    Meerkerk Gardens is open from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. every day of the year, except during extreme weather events. Admission is $5 for adults. Kids under 16 are admitted for free. Dogs on …

Features of the Garden — Meerkerk Gardens
    The Rain Garden (a bio swale) is located on Meerkerk Lane along the access road approaching the Presentation Grounds and Nursery. It runs along Meerkerk Lane …

Our History — Meerkerk Gardens
    Today, Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens is an independent not-for-profit organization open to the public and managed by the Meerkerk Rhododendron Garden nonprofit, which was …

2022 Bloom Report — Meerkerk Gardens
    Visit Meerkerk Gardens and let the world around you melt away! Focus in close to the blooms — notice the variety of shapes, the vibrant colors, the freckles, the flares, the …

Meerkerk Gardens (Greenbank) - All You …
    Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens, a nonprofit garden open to the public, encompasses 10 acres of display and …

Meerkerk Gardens | Puget Sound Gardens
    Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens, a nonprofit garden open to the public, encompasses 10 acres of display and educational gardens enveloped by forty-three acres of …

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